CBD flower is cannabis bud that helps people relax without feeling out-of-their-mind high. In fact, if you do feel out-of-your-mind high from a high THC product, you can even use CBD to bring you back down to equilibrium.
While many cannabis consumers may choose to opt for CBD-only products like CBD oil, CBD-rich flower can have better effects because of the synergy that occurs between THC and CBD.
High CBD and low THC flower can alleviate chronic pain, inflammation, seizures, and anxiety. Specifically, CBD flower can help reduce symptoms associated with multiple sclerosis, fibromyalgia, arthritis pain, Dravet’s Syndrome, and some anxiety disorders. When smoked or vaped, CBD flower can deliver immediate effects for acute symptoms.
If you have a respiratory condition, such as asthma, smoking or vaping flower would not be the best choice. Instead, consider cooking with flower or adding it to a simple dish like a salad or bowl of fruit. If you enjoy baking, cookies are a popular treat for cannabis lovers.